Chadius: Feemara
These creatures are so infused with an emotion that they force it upon others. Each type of Feemara governs one emotion. The Feemara wish that everyone and everything around them express their emotion, and they will do anything possible to accomplish that goal.
Few other creatures are willing to interact with the Feemara. Animals waste themselves away, while intelligent creatures understand the danger behind them. The few that are willing are either escapists, hoping to drown their sorrows away, or manipulative, hoping to trick the Feemara into working for them.
Feemara are humanoid-shaped. Their appearances reflect the emotion they express.. The only distinctive feature is the color of their skin: the same for each type.
Feemara actively search for intelligent life to force their emotions upon. They are usually driven out of large civilized areas (unless the Feemara are very powerful,) so PCs may find Feemara almost anywhere. The Feemara make an interesting monster character, although they would have to practice restraint of their emotions, or they may bother the rest of the party.
Emotion Aura (Su): This is the trademark ability of the Feemara. They have the ability to change the emotions of anyone who stays with them. Anyone within 30 feet of the Feemara must make a Will save or be overcome with an emotion. The effect lasts until 5 rounds after the user leaves the Feemara's range. Feemara are immune to Emotion Aura.
Lingering Emotion (Su): Stronger Feemara are able to exert themselves even more, forcing a more concentrated form of their feelings on an individual. Feemaras love to welcome powerful nonbelivers with this ability.
The Feemara chooses a target within 60 ft. If the target is willing, the effect automatically works. Otherwise the target may make a Will save with a +4 bonus. Affected targets are overcome with the Feemara's emotion for 2 days per HD of the Feemara.
Ragaren are short, burly creatures who always have a bone to pick with someone. They are always a bit angry about the current events and actively blame others. Those who stay nearby the Ragaren become extremely furious and lash out at everyone who has ever offended them.
Ragaren's skin is extremely rough. The skin is littered with spikes, and the skin is bright red. Their heads are more smooth than the rest of the body. The two eyes glow brightly whenever the Ragaren is angry or blaming something.
Ragarens speak Common and Sylvan.
Ragarens are best used as strikers. They usually charge into battle and enter melee combat, concentrating everything against one opponent at a time. Because their Emotion Aura does not discriminate friend from foe, Ragarens like to end battles quickly. Smaller Ragerens use their javelins, while larger ones like to grapple.
Some tacticians actually use the Emotion Aura to their advantage. Some use the Ragarens in armies, mentally preparing their soldiers for more punishment. Others are more cruel and send a weak Ragaren in to distract the front lines while a strike force and archers take out the inside.
If they expect a battle, a Ragaren will bolster itself with Bull's Strength and start the battle off with Rage. For far away opponents, Ragarens rely on Lesser Geasto prevent them from retreating (their favorite quest: "Stay right there, punk!") An Elder Ragaren who has the chance to cast Tenser's Transformation is quite frightening.
Feemaras are continuously radiating their Emotion Aura. Ragarens will continuously anger those around them, so PCs should be willing to play the part of the angry guy. The preferred class is Barbarian.
Lesser Ragaren
Small Fey
Space/Reach 5/5
Str 15 +2, Dex 12 +1, Con 13 +1, Int 8 -1, Wis 13 +1, Cha 16 +3
Skills: Climb 2 (+8 Racial bonus), Concentrate 5, Diplomacy 7, Hide 1 (+4 Size), Intimidate 9, Listen 5, Sense Motive 5, Spot 5, Survival 5
Feats: Great Fortitude, Power Attack
Special Abilities: Low-light vision, Spiked Body
HP 3d6 + 3 = 13, Init 1, Move 20, Climb 15
AC 18 = 10 + 1 (Dex) + 6 (Natural) + 1 (Size), Touch 11, FF 17, DR 5/cold iron
Saving Throws 4/4/4
BAB 1, Grapple 1, Size +1
Slam +4 melee, 1d4 + 2 OR Javelin +3 ranged, 1d4 + 2, range 30 ft
Spiked Body - Deals an extra 1d4 damage when using slam attack during a grapple.
Spell-like Abilities: Equivalent to a 3rd level sorcerer. 1/day Rage DC 16.
Supernatural Abilities: Emotion Aura - Will save DC 14 negates. Targets who fail the save become bitterly violent and recieve the effects of a Rage spell. They take a -2 penalty to their attacks if they try to attack the Ragaren while under the effect of the Emotion Aura. This saving throw is Charisma-based.
Possesions: Standard
Challenge Rating: 4
Level Adjustment: +2
While Under affects of rage spell: HP 16, AC 16, Touch 9, FF 15, Saves 4/4/5, Slam +5 melee, 1d4 + 3 damage, Javelin 1d4 + 3 damage, Climb 3, Concentrate 6. This lasts for 5 rounds.
Medium Fey
Space/Reach 5/5
Str 19 +4, Dex 10 0, Con 15 +2, Int 8 -1, Wis 13 +1, Cha 17 +3
Skills: Climb 4 (+8 Racial bonus), Concentrate 8, Diplomacy 7, Intimidate 11, Listen 7, Sense Motive 7, Spot 7, Survival 7
Feats: Great Fortitude, Power Attack
Special Abilities: Low-light vision, Spiked Body
HP 5d6 + 10 = 27, Init 0, Move 30, Climb 20
AC 18 = 10 + 8 (Natural), Touch 10, FF 18, DR 5/cold iron
Saving Throws 5/4/5
BAB 2, Grapple 6
Slam +6 melee, 1d6 + 4
Javelin +2 ranged, 1d6 + 4, range 30 ft
Spiked Body - Deals an extra 1d6 damage when using slam attack during a grapple.
Spell-like Abilities: Equivalent to a 8th level sorcerer. 1/day Lesser Geas DC 16, 3/day Rage DC 16.
Supernatural Abilities: Emotion Aura - Will save DC 15 negates. Targets who fail the save become bitterly violent and recieve the effects of a Rage spell. They take a -2 penalty to their attacks if they try to attack the Ragaren while under the effect of the Emotion Aura. This saving throw is Charisma-based.
Lingering Emotion (Su) - Once per day, DC 16. A target is under the affect of a Rage spell. The target is always angry and competitive, and will often blame others for his mistakes and failures.
Possesions: Standard
Challenge Rating: 7
Level Adjustment: +2
While Under affects of rage spell: HP 32, AC 16, Touch 8, FF 16,Saves 5/4/6, Slam +7 melee, 1d6 + 5 damage, Javelin 1d6 + 5 damage, Climb 5, Concentrate 9. This lasts for 8 rounds.
Greater Ragaren
Large Fey
Space/Reach 10/5
Str 27 +8, Dex 8 -1, Con 19 +4, Int 8 -1, Wis 13 +1, Cha 18 +4
Skills: Climb 8 (+8 Racial bonus), Concentrate 11, Diplomacy 12, Intimidate 14, Listen 9, Sense Motive 9, Spot 9, Survival 9
Feats: Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Improved Sunder
Special Abilities: Low-light vision, Fast Healing 2, Spiked Body
HP 8d6 + 32 = 60, Init -1, Move 40, Climb 30
AC 19 = 10 + 10 (Natural) - 1 (Dex), Touch 9, FF 19, DR 10/cold iron
Saving Throws 8/5/7
BAB 4, Grapple 12, - 1 Size
Slam +11 melee, 1d8 + 8
Javelin +2 ranged, 1d8 + 8, range 30 ft
Spiked Body - Deals an extra 1d8 damage when using slam attack during a grapple.
Spell-like Abilities: Equivalent to a 8th level sorcerer. 3/day Lesser Geas DC 17, At will Rage DC 17.
Supernatural Abilities: Emotion Aura - Will save DC 18 negates. Targets who fail the save become bitterly violent and recieve the effects of a Rage spell. They take a -2 penalty to their attacks if they try to attack the Ragaren while under the effect of the Emotion Aura. This saving throw is Charisma-based.
Lingering Emotion (Su) - 3 times per day, DC 18. A target is under the affect of a Rage spell. The target is always angry and competitive, and will often blame others for his mistakes and failures.
Possesions: Standard
Challenge Rating: 10
Level Adjustment: +3
While Under affects of rage spell: HP 68, AC 17, Touch 7, FF 17, Saves 8/5/8, Slam +13 melee, 1d8 + 9 damage, Javelin 1d8 + 9 damage, Climb 9, Concentrate 12. This lasts for 12 rounds.
Elder Ragaren
Large Fey
Space/Reach 10/10
Str 27 +8, Dex 8 -1, Con 19 +4, Int 8 -1, Wis 13 +1, Cha 18 +4
Skills: Climb 8 (+8 Racial bonus), Concentrate 11, Diplomacy 14, Intimidate 14, Listen 11, Sense Motive 11, Spot 11, Survival 11
Feats: Great Fortitude, Power Attack, Blind-Fight, Improved Sunder
Special Abilities: Low-light vision, Fast Healing 5, Spiked Body
HP 10d6 + 40 = 75, Init -1, Move 50, Climb 30
AC 21 = 10 - 1 (Size) + 12 (Natural), Touch 9, FF 21, DR 10/cold iron
Saving Throws 9/6/8
BAB 5, Grapple 13, -1 (Size)
Slam +12 melee, 1d8 + 8
Javelin +3 ranged, 1d6 + 4, range 30 ft
Spiked Body - Deals an extra 1d8 damage when using slam attack during a grapple.
Spell-like Abilities: Equivalent to a 10th level sorcerer. 1/day Tenser's Transformation, At will Lesser Geas DC 17, Rage DC 17
Supernatural Abilities: Emotion Aura - Will save DC 19 negates. Targets who fail the save become bitterly violent and recieve the effects of a Rage spell. They take a -2 penalty to their attacks if they try to attack the Ragaren while under the effect of the Emotion Aura. This saving throw is Charisma-based.
Lingering Emotion (Su) - At will DC 19. A target is under the affect of a Rage spell. The target is always angry and competitive, and will often blame others for his mistakes and failures.
Possesions: Standard
Challenge Rating: 13
Level Adjustment: +4
While Under affects of rage spell: HP 85, AC 19, Touch 7, FF 19, Saves 9/6/9, Slam 1d8 + 9 melee, 1d8 + 9 damage, Javelin 1d8 + 9 damage, Climb 9, Concentrate 12. This lasts for 16 rounds.
While Under affects of Tenser's Transformation spell: HP 95, AC 27, Touch 21, Init 1, FF 27, Saves 14/8/8, BAB 10, Grapple 24, Slam +19 melee, 1d8 + 10, Javelin +10 ranged, 1d8 + 6, Climb 10, Concentrate 13. This lasts for 16 rounds.
Le' hayl
Le' hayl are energetic creatures that aim to make those around them happy. They try their best to tend to people's needs, as long as they see a smile. Once they find an interesting target, Le' hayl will stick with it and not leave until the target is eternally satisfied (or wastes away in the meantime.) Le' hayl want those around them to be happy as well, regardless of the situation.
Le' hayl are sleek, smooth, sinewy humanoids with pure white bodies. Le' hayl are seldom seen in their natural form. When trying to please someone, Le' hayl use their illusionary powers to appear as an attractive member of their target's race.
Of all the Feemara, Le' hayl are the most interested in civilizations. Many Le' hayl like to infiltrate towns and please as many citizens as possible. There are stories about adventurers travelling to rural towns full of happy people, even after natural disasters have ravaged the town. There are many stories of powerful people who died in terrible accidents when Le' hayl tried to grant their wish. As long as the target died happily, the Le' hayl do not care.
Le' hayl speak Elven, Undercommon, Halfling, Sylvan and Common.
Le' hayl are rarely in combat situations (unless their opponent invites them to a friendly duel.) The few battles that do emerge end with a flurry of Charm Monster spells. Le' hayl move into the largest group of weak characters, since it is easier to charm them. The stronger Le' hayl usually try to charm the strongest target before charming the rest. A Le' hayl is not above begging for its life in exchange for services and information.
Le' hayl are willing to do almost anything to please everyone, short of suicidal tasks. Le' hayl will heavily interfere with battles because they will try to charm everyone into not attacking each other. The favored class is Bard and Rogue.
Lesser Le' hayl
Small Fey
Space/Reach 5/5
Str 5 -3, Dex 17 +3, Con 9 -1, Int 16 +3, Wis 12 +1, Cha 16 +3
Skills: Balance 5, Bluff 9, Diplomacy 13, Disguise 9 (+10 when using Lesser Transformation, +2 in character), Escape Artist 9 (+4 due to slick body), Hide 13, Intimidate 5, Jump -1, Perform 9, Sense
Motive 9, Sleight of Hand 5, Spot 7, Tumble 9, Use Rope 3 (+2 bindings)
Feats: Negotiator, Dodge
Class/Racial Abilities Low-light vision, Pleasant Grace
HP 3d6 - 3 = 7, Init 3, Move 20
AC 18 = 10 + 3 (Dex) + 3 (Deflection) + 1 (Natural) + 1 (Size), Touch 17, FF 15, DR 5/cold iron | Dodge | Tumble bonus
Saving Throws 0/6/4
BAB 1, Grapple -7, Size +1
Dagger -1 melee 1d4 - 3
Javelin +5 ranged 1d6 - 3
Spell-like Abilities: Equivalent caster level is a 3rd level sorcerer. 1/day Tongues DC 16, 1/day Blur DC 15
Lesser Le' hayl Transformation (Sp): A Le 'hayl may transform itself into a member of a race. This ability works like Alter Self spell, except for the following changes. The race must have no more than 3 HD. The race can be one of the following types: aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant or vermin.
A Le 'hayl must observe a member of the race it wishes to change into for 3 consecutive rounds (it may observe overtly or covertly.) Once the observation is complete, it may assume the form of a typical member of that race.
This effect lasts for 30 minutes, but the Le 'hayl may renew the effect by observing any member of the same race before the 30 minutes expires.
Supernatural Abilities: Emotion Aura - Will save DC 14 negates. Targets who fail are charmed and wish to protect the Le' hayl from all hostile creatures. This saving throw is Charisma-based.
Pleasant Grace - Le 'hayl recieve a deflection bonus to their Armor Class equal to their Charisma modifier.
Possesions: Standard
Challenge Rating: 4
Level Adjustment: +2
Le' hayl
Medium Fey
Space/Reach 5/5
Str 9 -1, Dex 15 +2, Con 11 0, Int 16 +3, Wis 12 +1, Cha 18 +4
Skills: Balance 4, Bluff 12, Diplomacy 18, Disguise 12 (+10 when using Lesser Transformation, +2 in character), Escape Artist 10 (+4 due to slick body), Hide 10, Intimidate 6, Jump 1, Perform 12, Sense Motive 11, Sleight of Hand 4, Spot 9, Tumble 10, Use Rope 2 (+2 bindings)
Feats: Negotiator, Dodge
Class/Racial Abilities Low-light vision, Pleasant Grace
HP 5d6 = 17, Init 2, Move 30
AC 17 = 10 + 2 (Dex) + 4 (Deflection) + 1 (Natural), Touch 16, FF 15, DR 5/cold iron | Dodge | Tumble bonus
Saving Throws 1/7/5
Dagger +1 melee 1d4 - 1
Javelin +4 ranged 1d6 - 1
Spell-like Abilities: Equivalent caster level is a 5th level sorcerer. 1/day Good Hope DC 17, 3/day Blur DC 16, 3/day Tongues DC 17
Lesser Le' hayl Transformation (Sp): A Le 'hayl may transform itself into a member of a race. This ability works like Alter Self spell, except for the following changes. The race can be one of the following types: aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant or vermin. The assumed form must have no more than 5 HD.
A Le 'hayl must observe a member of the race it wishes to change into for 3 consecutive rounds (it may observe overtly or covertly.) Once the observation is complete, it may assume the form of a typical member of that race.
This effect lasts for 50 minutes, but the Le 'hayl may renew the effect by observing any member of the same race before the 50 minutes expires.
Supernatural Abilities: Emotion Aura - Will save DC 16 negates. Targets who fail are charmed and wish to protect the Le' hayl from all hostile creatures. This saving throw is Charisma-based.
Pleasant Grace - Le 'hayl recieve a deflection bonus to their Armor Class equal to their Charisma modifier.
Possesions: Standard
Challenge Rating: 7
Level Adjustment: +3
Greater Le' hayl
Medium Fey
Space/Reach 5/5
Str 9 -1, Dex 17 +3, Con 11 0, Int 16 +3, Wis 12 +1, Cha 20 +5
Skills: Balance 5, Bluff 16, Diplomacy 20 (+2 Negotiator, +4 Synergy), Disguise 16 (+10 when using Lesser Transformation, +2 in character), Escape Artist 14 (+4 due to slick body), Hide 14, Intimidate 7, Jump 1, Perform 16, Sense Motive 12 (+2 Negotiator), Sleight of Hand 5, Spot 12, Tumble 14, Use Rope 3 (+2 bindings)
Feats: Negotiator, Dodge, Mobility
Class/Racial Abilities Low-light vision, Pleasant Grace, Fast Healing 2
HP 8d6 = 28, Init 3, Move 30
AC 20 = 10 + 3 (Dex) + 5 (Deflection) + 2 (Natural), Touch 18, FF 17, DR 10/cold iron | Dodge, Mobility | Tumble bonus | Fast Healing 2
Saving Throws 2/9/7 | SR 17
Dagger +3 melee 1d4 - 1
Javelin +7 ranged 1d6 - 1
Spell-like Abilities: Equivalent caster level is a 8th level sorcerer. 1/day Dominate Monster DC 19, 3/day Good Hope DC 17, At will Blur DC 17, Tongues DC 18
Le' hayl Transformation (Sp): A Le 'hayl may transform itself into a member of a race. This ability works like Alter Self spell, except for the following changes. The race can be one of the following types: aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant or vermin. The assumed form must have no more than 8 HD.
A Le 'hayl must observe a member of the race it wishes to change into for 3 consecutive rounds (it may observe overtly or covertly.) Once the observation is complete, it may assume the form of a typical member of that race.
This effect lasts for 80 minutes, but the Le 'hayl may renew the effect by observing any member of the same race before the 80 minutes expires.
Greater Le 'hayl gain an even greater understanding of the races they are mimicing. 3 times per day, the Le 'hayl may acquire the Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores as well as the extraordinary special attacks (but not the extraordinary special qualities) of the race it has transformed into. This ability requires a standard action to use. This ability lasts for 8 minutes, unless the Le 'hayl changes its form (because the Transformation time expired, or it assumed the form of a different race, or it died, etc.)
Supernatural Abilities: Emotion Aura - Will save DC 19 negates. Targets who fail are charmed and wish to protect the Le' hayl from all hostile creatures. This saving throw is Charisma-based.
Lingering Emotion - 3 times per day, DC 19. A target is under the affect of a Charm Monster spell, except it believes everyone is its friend. The target is eternally pleased with its surroundings, and wishes to befriend everyone it meets.
Pleasant Grace - Le 'hayl recieve a deflection bonus to their Armor Class equal to their Charisma modifier.
Possesions: Standard
Challenge Rating: 10
Level Adjustment: +3
Elder Le' hayl
Large Fey
Space/Reach 10/5
Str 17 +3, Dex 15 +2, Con 15 +2, Int 16 +3, Wis 12 +1, Cha 22 +6
Skills: Balance 2 (+2 Synergy), Bluff 19, Diplomacy 23 (+2 Negotiator), Disguise 19 (+10 when using Lesser Transformation, +2 in character), Escape Artist 15 (+4 due to slick body), Hide 11, Intimidate 8, Jump 5, Perform 19, Sense Motive 16, Sleight of Hand 4, Spot 14, Tumble 15, Use Rope 2 (+2 bindings)
Feats: Negotiator, Dodge, Mobility, Great Fortitude
Class/Racial Abilities Low-light vision, Pleasant Grace, Fast Healing 5
HP 10d6 + 20 = 55, Init 2, Move 40
AC 21 = 10 + 2 (Dex) + 6 (Deflection) + 4 (Natural) - 1 (Size), Touch 17, FF 19, DR 10/cold iron | Dodge, Mobility | Tumble bonus | Fast Healing 5
Saving Throws 7/9/8 | SR 23
BAB 5, Grapple 7, Size -1
Large Dagger +7 melee 1d6 + 3
Large Javelin +6 ranged 1d8 + 3
Spell-like Abilities: Equivalent caster level is a 10th level sorcerer. 1/day Mass Suggestion DC 22, 3/day Dominate Monster DC 20, At will: Good Hope DC 19, Blur DC 18, Tongues DC 19
Le' hayl Transformation (Sp): A Le 'hayl may transform itself into a member of a race. This ability works like Alter Self spell, except for the following changes. The race can be one of the following types: aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant or vermin. The assumed form must have no more than 13 HD.
A Le 'hayl must observe a member of the race it wishes to change into for 3 consecutive rounds (it may observe overtly or covertly.) Once the observation is complete, it may assume the form of a typical member of that race.
This effect lasts for 130 minutes, but the Le 'hayl may renew the effect by observing any member of the same race before the 130 minutes expires.
Elder Le 'hayl gain an even greater understanding of the races they are mimicing. 6 times per day, the Le 'hayl may acquire the Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores as well as the extraordinary special attacks (but not the extraordinary special qualities) of the race it has transformed into. This ability requires a standard action to use. This ability lasts for 13 minutes, unless the Le 'hayl changes its form (because the Transformation time expired, or it assumed the form of a different race, or it died, etc.)
Supernatural Abilities: Emotion Aura - Will save DC 21 negates. Targets who fail are charmed and wish to protect the Le' hayl from all hostile creatures. This saving throw is Charisma-based.
Lingering Emotion - A will, DC 21. A target is under the affect of a Charm Monster spell, except it believes everyone is its friend. The target is eternally pleased with its surroundings, and wishes to befriend everyone it meets.
Pleasant Grace - Le 'hayl recieve a deflection bonus to their Armor Class equal to their Charisma modifier.
Possesions: Standard
Challenge Rating: 13
Level Adjustment: +4