Chadius: City of Heroes

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Mother Joule

Level 25 Controller, Illusion/Trick Arrow, Pinnacle Server

Doctor Joule is a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, able to build state-of-the-art widgets. While traveling home one day, she was kidnapped by the Vazhilok. The Vaz tend to kidnap people and use them as body parts to create zombies. People kidnapped are never heard from again.

So it's pretty odd when they dump her, unharmed, in the trash the next day. They mumbled something about "totally unusable" or something. While Dr Joule doesn't like to look gift horses in the mouth, she does wonder what happened.

Eventually she found Dr. Vazhilok, and beat him up. Before carting him off to jail, he explained what was wrong with Joule. She's all robot, no flesh. She's built to act and think like a human, but underneath the plastiflesh she's all tech.

Victory Never Sleeps

Level 26 Scrapper, Dark Melee/Invulnerability, Pinnacle Server

This is Victory from the Super Justice Squadron. He is the Bat! But he's rich, has gadgets, and intimidates his foes. Yeah, he's awesome.

In a totally unrelated note, millionaire playboy Vance Michaels has been seen running around Paragon City's slums. He claims he was on route to pick up some "hot chicks" when thugs tried to attack him. "Good thing Victory was there to save me. He left right before you guys arrived, though. And I think he had a spiffy stealth suit, too." he says.

Angel's Call

Level 21 Blaster, Archery/Energy Manipulation, Virtue Server

Yeah, it's that energy archer guy from the Bleach anime. Wanna fight about it?

I mean, um, he's a quarter-angel. His family of angelic descendants lived in Paragon City for the last few hundred years. On his way home from school he fights crime. He just needs to be home by 8, or he'll miss dinner.

AC always slips an embarrassing story about himself. Like how his mom installed a Chastity Alarm in his house. Or he reflexively recalls one of the one thousand and twenty five Rules his mother taught him (so far.)

Everyone in the family has a role. Cousin Carl is the family doctor.

Maybe later


Level 39 Blaster, Assault Rifle/Ice Manipulation, Virtue Server

Tandre is a member of the Chillze Tribe, a race of cold-acclimated snow lizardmen. Under attack by the Circle of Thorns, Tandre made contact with the Longbow delegates, grabbed one of their advanced guns and drove the mages back. Although she was exiled for contacting outsiders, she was assigned the protector of Paragon City.

Something didn't mesh with the two sets. Or maybe I got tired of soloing.

Triton Aurora

Level 33 Controller, Ice Control/Empathy, Protector Server

My first toon. I could never delete her. But she has "TEAM SUPPORT ONLY" written all over her. Too passive for my tastes.

Aurora is a performer from the amphibious Triton race. Her music helps her allies keep going, while her water-summoning abilities help hold down the badguys. In the meantime she picks up dance manuevers from the surface world.

Thanks to her time on the surface, Aurora won this year's Granddancer Trail. She wears the ceremonial costume with style.

Europa Neverese

Level 25 Scrapper, Broadsword/Invulnerability, Protector Server

Kaye Ginzel

Level 23 Defender, Trick Arrow/Sonic Blast, Pinnacle Server

Kaye hails from the island of Ginzel, a technologically advanced but highly competitive land. Thanks to his leadership, electronics expertise and business savvy he became a mayor and president of a major district in Ginzel. Well, it was time to expand his business. And what better way than to sell his wares in the United States? Paragon City would be in high demand for high-tech solutions to super-powered problems.

Oops. A brief layover in the Rogue Isles forced Kaye to stay over in one of the seediest bars in town. Well, they're all seedy. While deterring thieves and vagabonds, a lovely woman named Sirena accosted him. She was very nice. And very kind. And she invited him to her home for a good night's rest.

Kaye woke up the next morning in Paragon City. His staff was alright, but he doesn't remember most of the that night. Anyways, Kaye Incorporated was open for business.

A few weeks later, Paragon Police Department were investigating him. They found several shipments of Kaye's products heading to criminals throughout Paragon City and The Rogue Isles. If he didn't find out who soon, they would shutdown his business, and charge him with weapon smuggling. One of Kaye's coworkers was the leak; Kaye had to take him down.

Unfortunately, there was still a steady flow of his weapons. Kaye's company was shut down. A few days later, they found footage and mail showing Kaye talking to a mysterious woman. The police are now trying to arrest him for conspiracy, weapon smuggling, and not fully cooperating. Kaye is penniless, but that won't stop him from innovating. And finding out who planted that evidence.


Level 21 Tanker, Invulnerability/Fire Melee, Pinnacle Server

Bah, I love tanking but I can't stand its anemic damage output...So I tried fire. But fire has no stuns or secondary effects to take out annoying debuffers.

Bira is a Salamander, a rare race of intelligent lizards. Her clan was attacked and she was captured. She was sold off to a collector who lives in Paragon City. She managed to escape, and is now searching for the rest of her clan.


Level 33, Tanker, Fire Aura/Energy Melee, Virtue Server.

There was an imp who liked to play practical jokes. One day she found her master's greatest treasure: A book of true words, which she could use to control anyone. If she were strong enough. Her master (and his competition) weren't excited about her holding it.

She was quite the world traveler. The gods offered her a deal: in exchange for their protection and the power to use the book's power (albeit slightly weaker,) they will employ her in the service of good. She agreed. Oh, and wipe her memory. Oh, and gradually convert her into an angel without her consent.


Eulogy Stripe

Level 15 Defender, Empathy/Psychic Blast, Virtue Server

Currently duoing with Good Night's Sleep in Rykilde's Heroes. I wish I could buff myself, so I asked GNS to buff me. In return, I buff her. Now we kick butt. Handshaking Fortitude is awesome.

Eulogy Stripe is a bioengineered escapee from a laboratory. They raised him well but they didn't give him any freedom. So he escaped. He doesn't seem to need much food or water to survive, and he doesn't care where he sleeps. Heck, he hasn't even changed his tattered robes. He can always ask someone or go to a homeless shelter if he needs some more.

Angel's Blessing

Level 16 Defender, Kinetics/Archery, Virtue Server

Running with the angel theme, and realize how much I love archery, meet Angel's Call's mom.

Was from Crey

Level 8 Blaster, Energy Blast/Elec Manipulation, Guardian Server

Stylus Jones

Level 8 Scrapper, Martial Arts/Regeneration, Virtue Server

This is Stylus from The Hub. A pretty hyperactive young Martial Artist who trains because his mom will get mad otherwise. And you don't want his mom angry. Oh no.


Link to Villainside

Dastardly Villains can be found here.