Mead Batch 2
Mint Mead
- 6 lbs clover honey
- 6 lbs mesquite honey
- 3 oz fresh mint
- yeast nutrient
- yeast energizer
- Lalvin D 47 yeast
- Red Star Premier Cuvee yeast
Dissolve the honey in ~2 gallons of hot water. Simmer for a bit. Turn off the heat and add the mint. Cool to ~100F add the nutrient and energizer and pitch yeast per directions on the packet. -23:06, 15 June 2011 (EST)
IG: 1.180 @ 99F = 1.1867 @ 68F
Racked off the mint leaves a bit later than I meant to. Yay yeasty orangina smell. I wonder how much of the mint aroma/flavor will come through in the final product. It's still looking very thick. This is going to be a powerful batch when it's done. I'll probably dilute it a bit when I rack again and repitch and also top off the fermenter. --Morrigu 16:54, 10 July 2011 (EST)
Racked again. Still very sweet. Managed to stir up the bottom a little so I got more of the residual crud than I meant to. Repitched with RedStar Premier Cuvee yeast and topped off with 105F boiled water to a little over 3 gallons total. --Morrigu 12:37, 8 August 2011 (EST)
Racked again off of a pretty significant yeast bed. Starting to clarify. Still very sweet, but the honey flavor is starting to dominate again. I'll probably go with more fresh mint a couple of days before bottling, since the mint flavor seems to be missing at this point, though the sweetness and yeastiness could be masking it if it's a delicate flavor. --Morrigu 18:12, 9 September 2011 (EST)
Amusingly, it's still outgassing pretty significantly. It's also gotten cloudier again. I think the cuvee yeast may finally be taking over. Here's hoping that the next time I taste it, it's not quite as sweet. -Morrigu 08:30, 16 September 2011 (EST)
Started with Loken and Katie