Batch 5

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Revision as of 18:37, 31 January 2010 by Morrigu (Talk | contribs)

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For my next "new" beer, I think I want to keep exploring styles. I think I'm going to go for a dark ale, along the lines of an english stout or porter. Something dark, creamy, and less bitter, and hopefully not as smoky as some dark beers I've had. Here's the basic idea:

  • 6.6 lbs. (2 cans) dark lme
  • Wyeast "smack pack"
  • 1 oz. spalt hops
  • 1 oz. kent golding hops
  • 1 lbs. roasted barley malt
  • 1/2 lbs. coffee malt
  • 1/2 tsp irish moss
  • 5 oz. priming sugar