Chadius: TOA Summary 12/10/09
From UtterChaos
- Tara goes home to think about stuff and prepare for the speech
- Diiman writes his speech
- Li figures out what he wants to tell Madame Ruff
- Ceelie goofs around
- Lily's got nuthin'
- Time to take the rookies to dinner
- Diiman takes everyone to a small village in France
- Pretzel, Vantsa, Nado and Jervus arrive
- Diiman greets the elderly couple
- Everyone sits down, Li manages to find a strong enough chair
- Aspirations for the rookies?
- Nado wants to be the super manager, a bit hands on
- Jervus wants to help Others and Humans survive together; their rights were earned over wars
- Pretzel likes seeing new trinkets and goodies
- Vantsa is in it for the mental challenge, loves mysteries
- A toast to friendship and a good team
- Li drank too much.
- Pictures taken. Li is mortified as usual
- Team heads back to TOA
- Next day
- Lily talks to Magus for speech tips (planning to do the opposite)
- Not much to do until the evening
- Diiman gives a summary of the events including the Circle of Shadows
- Chronos is quite upset about this and the Circle of Shadows
- Grapha asks for their speeches
- Diiman gives his speech.